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  • Writer's pictureKelly Hazelton

5 Ways to Engage With Your Faith

Updated: Feb 22, 2020

There is a stage with every new Christian in their walk with Christ known as the 'New Christian high'. When you first accept Jesus into your life, you are so on fire for Him and you can't talk about or do anything but try to bring others to Him. This is an exciting time in your journey and it is something that more 'senior' believers love to see. However, as time progresses, we loose this fire, it diminishes over time, and if we are not careful, can go out all together. We become a Christian in name only, forgetting that excitement for God we once had in excess.

This happens at different times for different reasons in each Christian in their lives. (sometimes more than once) Do not feel as though you are less than, or not a true believer when this season comes. Know that we all have gone through it, you are not alone and there are ways that you can engage more in your faith when it feels far from you. Here are 5 ways you can keep engaged with your faith when you feel it waning or when you are in a season of loneliness or depression.

John 15:4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

1- Join a Bible Study Group

By joining a group of people from your church in studying and reading your bible you will be filling yourself with Christ's word but you will also be gaining new insight into a section of the book that you hadn't thought of before. The life challenges and experiences of the other people in your group will provide you with a better understanding of the text as well as those with whom you are spending your time. A bible study group can study key books of the bible, specific people, or work as a life study with the bible as it's guide. If you haven't joined a group talk to your fellow church members, your pastor or local christian book store for ideas and groups in your area. If you have been in the same group for a long time and aren't feeling that you are gaining what you need for your new season of life, switch it up. Try a new group, I really find I get a lot of wisdom in a bible group with women who are more mature not only in age but in their walk with God. I also get a chance to give wisdom to others when I join a group of new moms, as my children are now older and so they get to gain from me.

2- Get Involved in Ministry

Churches are always looking for volunteers. I have never attended a church where the pastors are asking people to stop volunteering because they have too many and don't have enough jobs for all of them. Never. Not once.

Whether it is in the nursery, kids ministry, greeting people as they come in for service on Sunday, (Or whichever day your church meets) or putting together event nights, kitchen work, community outreach, teaching or any other area of ministry people are always in need. Talk to someone at your church and see where there is a need and fill it. Of course not every person is equipped to wrangle I mean teach and care for children, for those who are, we salute you. If you try out a ministry and it isn't a fit, DON'T STAY! Bow out gracefully and find a new better fitting option.

3- Take Part in the Extras

Not all Church events happen in the church. I know! Who would have thought!

My home church has an annual beach service with music, fun, fellowship and baptism. We are blessed that God so chose to set us in this area where we are never more that 30 minutes from a beach and if he placed us here it is for our enjoyment. Your church may not do this specific activity but perhaps has an open house night, a spring event or fall festival (aka trunk or treat). These events are a way in which we bring the church and the community together and get to know the other members a little better as well.

4- Meal Committee

One area that the small group I attend helps out with is the meals ministry.

This is one of the most fulfilling ministries I have been involved in. This is when we see people at both their lowest and highest points. Whether is is a funeral reception, meals for new moms (and dads) or some meals for someone that has just had a major surgery, we want to make sure that they are feeding their bodies as well as their souls.

5 - Tell Your Testimony

Feeling alone is one of the worst feelings I think anyone can go through. Whether it is because of a loss of a loved one, relationship/marriage trouble, financial burdens, mental health issues or any other of life's downfalls hearing that someone else has been through a similar situation and has made it through gives hope. By opening up and sharing a part of your journey through the rough stuff makes all the difference in someone's view of their situation.

You don't have to have a speech perfectly written and every perfect scripture memorized you just need to be honest, humble and willing to be vulnerable with someone else.

1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience,

Whatever you choose to do to keep your faith strong and part of your day to day life, remember that you are doing this not to bring glory and pride to yourself, but to glorify God and share the grace that he has given you.

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